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First 'flapless flight' in the UK Creates New History

Monday, October 4th, 2010

(UAV) British designed first flapless flight in United States which has in it a wide range of facilities and new technologies has given a successful demo in United Kingdom. The UAV called demon made a significant flight from an airfield at Walney Island in Cumbria.Cranfield University, BAE Systems has developed the flapless flights with the help of other nine United Kingdom universities.

This aircraft has been designed to use with ease the conventional mechanical elevators and ailerons which control the movement of aircraft in respect of novel aerodynamic control devices. Such an approach offers several benefits over the moving flap technology which has been used from the early days of the aviation. In that technology it means fewer moving parts less maintenance and more stealthy profile for the aircraft.

DEMON’s trial aircrafts are the first flapless flights to be authorized from the civil aviation authority. The conventional flap system was turned off before checking the Flapless technology but it dominated and passed the demo session with full marks. This technology has created a milestone in the history of aviation industry.

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